Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012

Forever August (Band)

Its nearly the Weekend and i have something New to Post here about a great Newcomer Band from the United Kingdom.
Forever August are two Sets of Brothers from Basingstoke in Hampshire, UK

Adam Franklin, Joe Purdue, Matt Purdue and Dan Franklin

They aim to write music that creates an atmosphere and tells a story, covering a wide rage of emotions.
This sound is created using a mixture of unique guitar sounds, piano and strings; together with powerful, memorable chorus and lyrics that paint a picture.

You need to know them :) :) :)

Forever August

Websites :
Official Website
Official Myspace
Official Youtube Channel
Official Facebook
Official Twitter

And now you can watch the Official Music Videos

Who said it was over - Official Music Video

Backwards - Official Music Video

Forever August sind eine Newcomer Band aus England.

Die Bandmitglieder sind Adam Franklin und Dan Franklin (Brüder)
Joe Purdue und Matt Purdue ebenfalls (Brüder)

 Sie schreiben ihre Musik und versuchen damit eine Geschichte zu erzählen, sie spielen ihre Instrumente selber welche eine Mischung aus Gittarre, Piano und Schlagzeug sind.
Überzeugt euch selber von ihnen und besucht ihre Webseiten :)

xoxo Niki

Twitter: @Niki_xoxo


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